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Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

Book Review of One Night @ The Call Centre

The fictional novel One Night at the Call Centre was written by Chetan Bhagat and published in 2005. It includes 38 chapters, each stating a different time in one night. It deals with six call centre employees, working together in a connection, and the change of their lives in one night.
The story is narrated by Shyam, one of the six characters of the novel. 

In the novel the author unfolds the problems in the lives of each character in a very emotional way. The reader gets confronted with all emotional levels the characters experience and also suffer from. The characters feel kind of crushed by the weight of their problems an try to escape from them by deciding to flow with the wind to reach their destiny. 

Most of the events in the story are leading to one big event: The Phone Call from God. God himself recognizes the problems of the six characters and tries to tell them about the real meaning of the life by appearing at the other end of the phone line. He explains that their evasion of their problems is not the idea of life. The characters are very astonished and staggered that god appeared in their phone line.

The author tries to convey a message to his readers, using the problems, the lives of the characters and especially this event. He makes it very easy to identificate with one of the lives of these six characters and to start asking about one's life. Furthermore the Phone Call from God puts the reader in confusion and moves the reader to question the message of the author,  "Never to give up".

In my opinion the author remained to an emotional, fictional but typical indian style in his second novel. The novel has a happy ending with inter alia the call centre not getting out-sourced. I think this novel is recommendable and has an interesting exceptional structure. The author uses only one night, inwhich everything happens. This makes the novel even more interesting. I would like to conclude by saying that the novel is a good opportunity to spend time on.

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